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Furaha Mussanzi

Furaha is Congolese-British singer, song-writer and storyteller who is passionate about her faith, social justice and using creative means to promote peace.

Having grown up in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo, she came to Bradford 20 years ago as a refugee and went on to get a Master’s degree in African Peace and Conflict studies. She is passionate about education and sharing her story with young people. Furaha offers assemblies and workshops to students from KS1 to KS4. If you would like her to visit your school, please email: [email protected].

World Refugee Day: Great big live assembly!

Over 100 schools have already signed up to take part in this year’s Great Big Live Assembly on June 20th. Please make sure your local school knows about this unique opportunity to help children understand what life is life for the 42 million displaced children in the world. Schools can sign up for free using this link.

Download more Refugee Week Assemblies from our Google Drive here.

Run your own assembly!


Key StageTypeThemes

Curriculum Links


Rights respecting schools




A range of assemblies regarding rights, refuge, World Refugee Day. Assemblies 2 and 3 are about migration themes and assembly 16 is for World Refugee Day.Human rights, children’s rights, refugees, migrationPHSCE
Reading International Solidarity Centre

All you need for a refugee




Comprehensive guidance for developing an assembly about forced displacement for any age.Myth-busting, refugees, forced-displacementPHSCE
Christian Aid

Far from Home

KS2Suitable for primary ages, a ready-to-use assembly with faith links.Empathy, environmental refugeesPHSCE

A long hard journey



A powerpoint and guidance for conducting an assembly for primary-ages on welcoming refugees (in school). With Christian faith links.Refugees, offering welcomePHSCE


Twinkl has a variety of Refugee Week assemblies and resources