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Art is a powerful tool for the voice of sanctuary seekers to be heard. Our Arts Stream of Sanctuary Award recognises the contribution of art galleries, cinemas, museums, theatres and other groups who are bringing communities together and learning about the experiences of those seeking sanctuary.

We are so proud to have not only a theatre company of sanctuary but also a Touring Company of sanctuary here in Bradford.

Creative spaces are a fun, relaxed way for people seeking sanctuary at every stage of their journey to learn English, make new friends, build confidence and networks.


Stand & Be Counted is the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary. They make campaign theatre and film with people seeking sanctuary who want to tell their story their way. In 2016 SBC became the first ‘Theatre Company of Sanctuary.’  They are committed to making work with and for people seeking sanctuary in the UK and internationally.


Displace Yourself are a Touring Company based in Bradford, co- creating contemporary theatre with Displaced people using a multi-disciplinary, therapeutic process. They provide professional trauma informed theatre programmes for refugees, asylum seekers & people at risk of social isolation in Bradford & Stockton.

If you would like your Arts Organisation to apply for a sanctuary award get in touch, we’d love to chat!