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Bradford City of Sanctuary works to build a culture of welcome for people seeking sanctuary. We are part of a rapidly growing national movement of over 100 sanctuary groups.

Set up in 2008, we have two part-time members of staff and a fantastic team of volunteers who help make Bradford more inclusive and welcoming. Everything we do is informed by our advisory group of people with lived experience of being refugees and sanctuary seekers.


Our work includes:

supporting organisations from across Bradford interested in working towards a sanctuary award, ranging from schools and gardens to train stations.

participating in forums and networks around the city and working alongside our local authority of sanctuary to make sure the refugee voice is represented.

networking across the city, connecting organisations and promoting best practice.

advocating for sanctuary seekers, informed by our advisory group of people with lived experience.

ensuring sanctuary seekers have accessible information, for example helping create

giving talks, running events and regularly engaging with local media to build understanding in the city about, and support for, those seeking sanctuary

If you would like to request a talk or interactive session, or if you would like us to help you organise an event please contact us.

If you are new to Bradford we recommend visiting the Welcome to Bradford Website, which has lots of brilliant information and support.