What do you do best? Sport, cooking, speaking, fundraising, campaigning, something else? Talk to us about how your skills / interests could be put to good use
- Join Bradford City of Sanctuary! We meet every other month on a Thursday lunchtime in the city centre.
- Ask your group, organisation, place of worship or business to pass a resolution of support for Bradford City of Sanctuary (can be printed from our website). Yours could be our 184th!
- Do you work in local school or college, or are you a governor or parent? Encourage your school to consider becoming a School or College of Sanctuary
- Offer English tuition to asylum seekers ineligible for state-funded classes
- Raise funds for City of Sanctuary, BEACON, Abigail Housing, BIASAN, Refugee Action or the Millside Centre. Or, if you have expertise in making funding applications, we would be very pleased to hear from you!
- Become a Friend of Bradford City of Sanctuary
- Help provide short term accommodation to homeless asylum-seekers by contributing to the rent for a house with Abigail Housing
- Campaign! Keep abreast of current issues at https://asylummatters.org/, https://www.refugee-action.org.uk/campaigns/ or www.refugeecouncil.org.uk
These are just a few suggestions. If you have a skill or particular interest that isn’t mentioned above, get in touch! We may be able to suggest a way that it could be used to benefit asylum seekers and refugees locally.
There are many projects which support asylum-seekers and refugees in Bradford District, and all would welcome new volunteers. Here are just a few …
BEACON (Bradford Ecumenical Asylum CONcern)
As well as campaigning on asylum issues and awareness-raising within churches (and beyond), BEACON has two projects:
McKenzie Friends are trained volunteers who provide moral support and informed help for people without legal representation who need to regularise their stay in the UK. Where possible we support people to get solicitors to, appeal against asylum decision or to make further submissions to the Home Office.
We are always looking for volunteers who enjoy a challenge and have good communication skills.
Contact: Audrey 07531576330 [email protected]
CHAT weekly English conversation class meets at Touchstone each Wednesday morning.
Contact: 07419 990578 [email protected]
Destitution Project: housing for asylum seekers made homeless by negative asylum decisions. Currently 5 houses in Bradford.
Contact: 0300 102 1952 [email protected]
Refugee Housing Project: Temporary accommodation and support for those whose Home Office support has just ended.
Contact: 0300 102 195 [email protected]
Drop-In: Held every Thursday 4 – 6pm at Bradford Deaf Centre, 25 Hallfield Road, Bradford BD1 3RP.
Woman’s Club: For women and their children; also at Bradford Deaf Centre, 1-3.30pm every Thursday.
English Lessons: Run by volunteer teachers Thursday afternoons from 4.00-5pm at Bradford Deaf Centre
Store: located in the city centre. Processing donations of clothing and household goods.
Contact: 07464 194325 [email protected]
Mentors and befrienders needed to help newly arrived asylum seekers.
Contact: Duncan Wahuho 07392 077202
Refugee Action have a range of volunteering opportunities in Bradford.
Duty Phone: On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9:45am and 1pm, call us on 07703 608969
This community centre in BD1 offers a range of classes and activities for asylum seekers and refugees, including a community café, peer support group, befriending and a choir.
Contact: 01274 409661 [email protected], Millside Centre, 131 Grattan Road, BD1 2HS.
VOLUNTEERING BRADFORD hold information on a wide range of local volunteering opportunities and are keen to help you find out more about volunteering in the Bradford District.
Contact: 07904 953864 or [email protected]