There are so many ways to get involved in social action and developing socially responsible, active citizens. Here are a few ideas:
Lift The Ban
We are really excited to be running, in conjunction with Asylum Matters, the Lift the Ban campaign in Bradford schools. This involves hearing stories of people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary and then reaching out into your local communities. Read about what one local school got up to here.
See our schools’ pack for more information and how to get involved! With thanks to Co-op Academy Schools in Bradford:
Sanctuary Ambassadors
Similar to a School Council, Sanctuary Ambassadors are in charge of ensuring schools is a place of welcome, respect and understand. You can advertise for the role and see plenty of ideas in the documents below:
Sanctuary Ambassador Job Advert
Show your Heart
The orange heart is a symbol of solidarity with people seeking sanctuary in our country. At the start of February, join the hundreds of people, organisations and institutions (including schools!) who are coming together to show their support for people seeking seeking sanctuary and urge others across the UK to lead with shared values of kindness and fairness in our treatment of people who have been forced to flee. Your school can get involved in a number of ways:
You could:
Create a display of kindness by using the orange heart ‘Together with Refugees’ symbol. This could be a whole-class, or whole-school activity where students share their thoughts and feelings.
Raise money or support your local refugee charity – helping those seeking safety in your local area.
Write letters of welcome – send messages of love and solidarity to people seeking sanctuary in our communities in creative greeting cards. You can then display these cards at your school or send them to your local refugee organisation to share with people seeking sanctuary.
Collaborate with another local institution like a faith setting, library, college or university to make a collective display of kindness for people seeking sanctuary – helping to send a clear message that our communities believe in welcome.
Want to learn more and get involved? Complete this short form to access our 2025 Show Your Heart Toolkit for schools and help us see how many schools get involved. Thank you!
With thanks to Atlas Primary, Bradford:
International Education Week Orange Hearts
Show your hearts Valentines Day Schools Toolkit
No dad jokes without dads campaign (Refugee Council)
Families Together Campaign (Oxfam Education)
- Families Together Teachers Guide
- Families Together PowerPoint
- Families Together Workshop Plan
- Families Together Workshop Case Studies
- Families Together Action Guide
- Families Together MP letter template
- Families Together Jigsaw piece
- Families Together MP postcard template
- Families Together Poster
- Families Together Poster puzzle