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In-person training for teaching staff across the Bradford District

  • An Introduction to Schools of Sanctuary/Forced Migration by Kate, Bradford Schools and Colleges of Sanctuary project co-ordinator. Contact: [email protected] 
    • ‘Thank you for the training this evening at Carlton Bolling, it genuinely was fascinating and really meaningful. It gave an overall picture of the current situation around migration and how to be kind and aware of issues facing some people seeking sanctuary in our community and beyond. ’  Teacher, Carlton Bolling
    • ‘The most helpful thing I learnt was where to access further resources to support refugee pupils and some of the challenges children face in school.’ Teacher, Lilycroft Primary
  • Supporting Refugee Children in Schools and Colleges by Solace.Contact: [email protected] 
    • Free training for staff at schools and colleges and for case workers and other professionals in working effectively with trauma and the impact of forced migration.
    • Covers topics such as: understanding stress, trauma and vicarious trauma; effects of trauma on learning; the importance of schools and teachers; strategies in the classroom; self-care for support staff working with asylum seekers and refugees.
    • For further details see here.
  • Reflections on my Education by Furaha Mussanzi.                               Contact: [email protected] 
    • Having fled to the UK as a child from the Democratic Republic of Congo 20 years ago, Furaha now shares her education journey as a refugee in Bradford. She shares some of the challenges she faced as well as the positive things implemented by staff and schools that made a huge difference to her experience. Full of moving stories and inspiring tales, this training session will leave you with a deeper understanding of the challenges refugees face in your classroom as well as helpful ideas for supporting them.

Other Opportunities:

See our national Schools of Sanctuary page for a wide range of CDP opportunities

Helpful short videos giving key definitions:

Classroom practice for supporting refugee students



Trauma-informed practice




  • Bell Foundation – A wide range of relevant training opportunities, including free webinars and supporting resources.
  • NALDIC – The National Subject Association for EAL hosts annual conferences, in addition to regional and thematic interest group meetings, and publishes termly journals aimed at developing expertise of supporting learners with EAL in school.