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The appalling violence in Gaza and Israel is exacerbating an already desperate refugee crisis in the region. We grieve for the utterly horrendous loss of civilian life and stand firmly in solidarity with everyone impacted, in particular those experiencing displacement, both current and historical.

Bradford City of Sanctuary joins with countless others across the UK in calling for the government and all political parties to demand an  immediate ceasefire in Gaza, safe routes both for those who wish to escape the violence, and for water, food, fuel and essential aid to reach those injured, bereaved and made homeless by the conflict. We urge the UK Government to immediately open safe routes for people fleeing the Gaza region, as was done for those fleeing Ukraine and Afghanistan, including a family reunion scheme for Palestinians and Refugee Visas open to all those affected by the conflict.

To read the statement from the Refugee Council, signed by City of Sanctuary UK and many other charities working alongside refugees, click here.