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Bradford was officially recognized as a ‘City of Sanctuary’at a National Network meeting of the City of Sanctuary movement on 18th November 2010 :

“.. a place where a broad range of local organizations, community groups and faith communities, as well as local government, are publicly committed to welcoming and including people seeking sanctuary”
It is fantastic that all the hard work of so many in this city to welcome and include those seeking sanctuary amongst us was officially recognized, as well as the incredible contributions to the life of the city of sanctuary seekers themselves.

At that date an amazing 126 groups, organisations, places of worship and businesses had signed our ‘Resolution of Support’(clicking on the ‘Supporting Organisations ‘ tab on your right will show the latest number). Have a look at the attachment entitled ‘Supporters Actions’ to see examples of many of the inspiring ways in which these are turning their resolution into practical actions (you will need to click on the title line above first).

With huge thanks to the Committee and all whose hard work made this possible.

Attachment Size
supporters_actions_at__11.10.doc 137 KB